The Job of a Social Media Manager
With every development in the world come new ways of making money. Social media has become such a major force in today’s business world that the new job of social media manager has come into existence, and it is a very prestigious and well-paid position. This person has the responsibilities of, among other things:

• planning, analyzing, deploying and optimizing social media content that supports the objectives of a particular brand
• creating programs built on campaign objectives
• writing and editing posts on social media sites
• monitoring tracking data and analyzing it
• managing campaign budgets
• ensuring that the team fulfills its campaign goals, delivery and performance
• using regulatory, legal and medical review to take social media initiatives

The individual desiring this job will usually need to have a bachelor’s degree, plus excellent skills in communication project management, experience in working with data and analytical tools, knowledge of SEO and a strong sense of integrity. The rest of this article will describe what a typical day is like for the social media manager.

How the social media manager spends his or her day

A social media manager typically naturally spends the greater part of the day on social media — hopping from one network to another, checking up on the analytics and working on plans for his company. The first thing that he does each morning is to check the emails for any messages from employers, clients and others and make any replies necessary. Likewise, he checks his Twitter accounts for posts and “re-tweets” them as needed, makes posts of his own, publishes blog posts, curates content and follows up with the members of his internal team with any ideas that he might have.
Having taken care of all these tasks, the social media manager then takes a lunch break. Upon returning, he writes another blog post, delivers a lecture to his team on how important a tool social media is and makes another round of visits to social media sites and profiles, performing any necessary follow-up.
As the day draws ever so rapidly to a close, the manager concludes by reviewing the statistics he has compiled; signing up for webinars, events and chats; scheduling social media messages for the coming night and early next morning; and making a final check of his email account.

This daylong program is not necessarily typical of everyone who works in the position. Others, through years of experience, have come up with ways of saving time spent on social media, resulting in the formulation of schedules that are completed in but an hour. For instance, there is one who simply follows those newly-vetted followers whom she believes “fit” and ignores all the rest; uses Buffer to ensure that her queue is always filled; and finds unique content for each particular site (Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus).
The schedules just given are taken from a blog on Buffer App. It was written by somebody who had surveyed different social media managers to learn about their schedules.